Jain Wedding Bells Data deletion policy

Last updated: 11th Dec 2021 | Effective from: 11th Dec 2021

After deletion, we do not retain your Sensitive Personal Information (defined below in this paragraph) for longer than is required for the purposes for which the information may be lawfully used. For any other content, we will entertain your deletion request. If you want to delete personal data you have given to us, please write to connect@JainWeddingBells.com with your profile details, however, there is a strong possibility that copies of any public content will be retained indefinitely in our systems, including in cached and archived pages of the Platform, or if other users have copied or saved that information. In addition, due to the nature of the internet, copies of your content, including content that you have removed or deleted from your account, may also exist elsewhere on the Internet and be retained indefinitely. "Sensitive Personal Information" shall mean passwords and any other information that is classified as sensitive under Section 3 of the Rules.